The Importance of Ph Balance in Container Garden

It’s my 7th year at container gardening and as each year passed, I noticed my crops were getting pail, smaller, weaker, and low yielding. I kept feeding my containers, worm castings, blood meal, and fish liquid for nitrogen boost. Bone meal for phosphorous boost, and potassium, yet my crops were pale and lacking vigor. I just couldn’t figure it out.

My dad during one of his electric bike trips around San Francisco, found a soil moister / ph balance meter. I stuck it in all my house plants and outdoor containers. The reading kept falling on zero. I thought the meter was broken until I came to one plant where it was balanced. I discovered that my ph balance in about 90% of all my indoor and outdoor plants was supremely deficient. So I went to Home Depot and bought two 5 lb bags of lime. It’s only been about a month and ALL my plants have revived. Just look at them.






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