Reset Root-bound Mint

Matthew 13.22
When God’s Word is Choked

It’s spring and each year I reset root-bound mint by taking the best cuttings with a strong root and replant each of them.-about 5 – 7 depending on container size. Sometimes the cuttings won’t take, so I’ll put an extra one.

Containers are first washed with soap, and I reuse the soil by sifting it and adding amendments such as bone meal, worm castings, and Sul-po-mag potassium. It takes about 6-8 weeks for new mint to grow lush.

My family and I use mint primarily in salads and sometimes beef soup in the winter.

As I analyze the root-bound, I can’t help but ponder and mediate on Mathew 13: 22. I use to envy and covet single-family homes as I take my power walks because I live in limited, crowded flat with no back yard and land. Throughout the years, I’ve discovered that if I were to win the Lotto and buy that dream single-family home, I would forget about God, so now I just pray for contentment and take care of what I do have with gratitude.

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