During the past few years, I’ve dealt with loosing my beloved Julie; I had to put Bowie down; I lost my Tito; my former employer closed their business after 80+ years; My senior parents both got COVID; relationships broke or ended, and other highly stressful events I thought were too difficult to get through. As I type this post, I’m currently unemployed and though my faith is being tested, this painting I made years ago constantly reminds me that even though it will be turbulent, painful, and scary, Jesus will have me get through it when he said, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” Mark 4: 35 – 41
The actual trip was dreadful. The thought that God did not care by sleeping on a boat that was filling with water appearing to eventually sink and drown all who were in it is the same feeling I got repeatedly in each of the circumstances listed above. I felt alone, frustrated, and even angry to have been going through those seasons of life.
In the end, all the disciples and Jesus made it to the other side of the lake in one piece despite being banged up mentally, emotionally, and physically. The lesson? Buckle up. This storm is meant to deepen and strengthen my faith for the next storm in life. Commit myself and the situation to God. He will provide the strength, resources, and protection required to get through it so long I submit all of it to Him in constant prayer and faith.

Mark 4: 35 – 41