Due to high winds, moths, white files, and hot weather, my potato plant suffered from a various attacks. I decided to protect it with chicken wire and a covering of insect netting. At first it looked OK, but I did not know what a healthy potato plant looked like. By the end of the year during winter, I removed the chicken wire and insect netting, I was curious to see if I had potatoes. What I got were little tiny bubs that looked like gum balls. About 10 of them. All that time and work for nothing.

So the following year, I learned that I still have to protect the plant, but this time use rodent netting around the plant to prevent rodents from climbing into plant to eat the tender leaves, and spray the potato plant with caterpillar repellent. Throw in some marigold flower heads in the plant to repel the white files too. I still don’t know if I”ll get potatoes, but see the difference already?