This was the first time I had to use my skills to create a eulogy video for someone close to me. Sunny was my left hand in the accounting team I lead at Floorcraft from 2014 – 2024. It was mainly three of us and she started out as a receptionist and was promoted and trained to be the AP Specialist. When I got the news via a text, it was so shocking because after the business closed, she went into retirement, and the last time I saw her she was remodeling her home for her new retired life. She was very independent and stubborn in her ways, but resilient. Her mom died about two years ago and she was left with her cat Duchess. During her last days at work, I suggested she rent out a room in her home for extra income and to have someone in case of an emergency. She did not listen.
In 2006 I left my home to live alone out of anger and God disciplined me by putting me in the hospital. Thank God I had family in the city who helped me (the same family I was angry at). Long story short, I moved back with my family and realized how foolish it was for me to live alone. When you’re young, you don’t think about injuries, sickness, and incapacitation while losing the main source of income. Since I had gone through that, I warned Sunny and she did not listen. There was no one around to assist her while she had pneumonia and COVID. No one to take her to the hospital against her will or call 911. No one to nag her about being clean and eating healthy.
The only good thing out of her death is that she died at home. No drugs or poking of nurses, yet it was sad that she died alone. It’s my fervent prayer that Duchess goes home with her friend, Maria.