YouTube Ads

Ads I shot and produced for digital marketing campaigns for my former employer.

2023 Appliance Showroom
YouTube Ads

2023 Liquidation Sale

This was a commercial created for the closure of the Appliance dept at Floorcraft, San Francisco. It served the Bay Area for over 80 years, so I helped them out by producing and publishing this commercial on a tight marketing budget to reduce their losses and sell off their most valued stock merchandise. This was […]

Mini XMAS Trees
YouTube Ads

2023 Christmas Wonderland

Christmas is a traditional time of year for Flowercraft that provided a wonderful variety of plants, trees, and classic quality service since the 70s to Bay Area residents. If Lowe’s – that is was across the street – doesn’t have what you’re looking for, they refer customers to this place. I use to work with

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