Life Lessons

Life Lessons with Biblical Wisdom

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Family & Friends, Life Lessons

The Brighter Side of Life

After attending my cousin’s daughter’s 10the birthday party, I ran into my auntie Margarita and noticed she was exhausted and sad. The following day I was strongly prompted to create this video to remind her of the brighter side of life from a different perspective using a collection of photos and videos of different seasons […]

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Life Lessons

Misinterpreting Wisdom for Law

In my Bible study quest, I have made the grave mistake of interpreting the book of Proverbs, which is all about wisdom like God’s promises or God’s Law. If I do this, I expect that, and when it doesn’t meet my expectations, my faith is battered. Voddie Bacham, one of my favorite pastors and teachers

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Life Lessons

How to Wear the Armor of God

Of all the Bible subjects, spiritual warfare is at the top of the list. My favorite movie category is Action, which includes a lot of violence and fighting. When I learned that I was commanded to “Stand Firm and in the Power of His Might” – not just to be a bi-standing spectator when it

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Life Lessons

Battle with Submitting

Since I was a child I’ve been rebellious and contended with all who’ve taught me and corrected me. In school I was taught about women’s rights and health, which created sharp daggers in my character making it impossible to establish long-term harmonious relationships. As I was doing my morning Bible study, I came across this

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