For Animal Lovers

True Stories and Intimate Moments

Diaper for Large Dog
For Animal Lovers

Innovative Diapers for Large Male Dogs

Back in 2017 my senior Chow-Shepard mix dog, Bowie could not stand on his own very long. Thus he would go #2 where he lay. I was on a tight budget, so I came up with this way to create home-made diapers for him to keep him clean and care for him as best I […]

Parvo stricken puppy
For Animal Lovers

Miracle Dog Healing

This is a true story about my little runt who had a death sentence his first month of life, but conquered death with prayer, faith, and tons of love beginning with his grandma. I was overwhelmed with grief because my other dog Bowie had just died when I got this puppy and then the prospect