Did you Know?

Did you know discoveries I’ve learned

Not Disciple-Worthy Material
Did you Know?

Not Disciple-Worthy Material

Did you know that to be a Jewish rabbi, the prospective student must seek a rabbi and practically beg to follow that leader for a period of their life to become just like their rabbi? The rabbi or a professor NEVER seeks out their proteges. On the other hand, I never understood why the disciples […]

Bently & Jazz love fresh grass
Creative Flicks, Did you Know?

Cat Grass: Bently & Jazzmin

Did you know cats and dogs love to eat grass like cattle? I guess they too have a craving for a fresh salad like we do. After a few years of growing cat grass, I’ve learned that in order to keep a fresh batch available, I must grow in a maximum of three small pots

Stinging Nettle
Did you Know?, Garden

Why We Love Stinging Nettle

Did you know stinging nettle is treated like an inconvenient nuisance and discarded like a useless weed? If only people knew the treasure of benefits it offers. My family and I consume stinging nettle as tea to relieve inflammation of muscles, headaches, and even swelling after major surgeries. Even NIH recognizes its many scientific benefits.

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