Before & After

Before & After Photos Documenting Progress, Successes, and Failures

Mature rosemary in container
Before & After, Successful Lessons

Container Grown Rosemary

Visiting the garden center, I asked an associate what he was doing. He showed me some rosemary cuttings and offered to give me some to take home and propagate them. I did not know what that was. After a brief lesson, I went home, put them in water until the cuttings grew roots. After reading

Root-bound mint
Before & After

Reset Root-bound Mint

It’s spring and each year I reset root-bound mint by taking the best cuttings with a strong root and replant each of them.-about 5 – 7 depending on container size. Sometimes the cuttings won’t take, so I’ll put an extra one. Containers are first washed with soap, and I reuse the soil by sifting it

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