
Some of My Container Gardening Experiences in Zone 10b

Fig plat AFTER adding lime
Failed Lessons

Too Much Calcium (lime) Kills Plants

After adding Lime to some of plants and watching them flourish, I assumed all my containers needed calcium (lime), so I added it to my squash and my fig. They did not accept it. Anyway, here are the lessons: 1. Squash does NOT like too much calcium. The ideal Ph should be 6.0 – 6.8 […]

Large mixed crop container
Successful Lessons

Another Successful Mixed Container

This is my second large container and again I tested to see if mixing different crops in one container would work. It did! In this big Bertha, I mixed Arugula (a green leaf crop), carrots and onions (root crops) and the soil has drastically improved and produced lush greens and veggies. The netting on the

Multi crops in one container
Successful Lessons

Successful Crop Combination

Earlier this year, I noticed my potato plants were growing dark spots on the leaves. After some research, the number one recommendation was to reuse a soil with a different crop rotation. Since potatoes are root crops, I should have used soil that had previously grew fruits or greens. Using the same type of crop

Potato plants in container with anti-rodent netting
Pest Management

Victory over Rodents in my Garden

It’s my 7th year of container gardening and the two most problematic issues I have are wind and rodents (rats and mice). Seedlings rarely have a chance to mature when they’ve been devoured overnight. This year I tried lining the netting only outside the rim of my pots so rodents would hopefully get stuck and

Not Disciple-Worthy Material
Did you Know?

Not Disciple-Worthy Material

Did you know that to be a Jewish rabbi, the prospective student must seek a rabbi and practically beg to follow that leader for a period of their life to become just like their rabbi? The rabbi or a professor NEVER seeks out their proteges. On the other hand, I never understood why the disciples

Austrian Crescent Tuber & Red Potato
Successful Lessons

My 1st Successful Potato Harvest

Finally I was able to harvest a successful batch of potatoes. I’ve tried multiple times in the past few years and couldn’t due to rodents destroying my early crops. On March 17, 2024 I planted Austrian Crescent Tuber potatoes as a new variety, and the purple ones I think I planted those in the fall

overly protected potato plant
Failed Lessons

Insect Netting on Potato Plant

Due to high winds, moths, white files, and hot weather, my potato plant suffered from a various attacks. I decided to protect it with chicken wire and a covering of insect netting. At first it looked OK, but I did not know what a healthy potato plant looked like. By the end of the year

Bently & Jazz love fresh grass
Creative Flicks, Did you Know?

Cat Grass: Bently & Jazzmin

Did you know cats and dogs love to eat grass like cattle? I guess they too have a craving for a fresh salad like we do. After a few years of growing cat grass, I’ve learned that in order to keep a fresh batch available, I must grow in a maximum of three small pots

Stinging Nettle
Did you Know?, Garden

Why We Love Stinging Nettle

Did you know stinging nettle is treated like an inconvenient nuisance and discarded like a useless weed? If only people knew the treasure of benefits it offers. My family and I consume stinging nettle as tea to relieve inflammation of muscles, headaches, and even swelling after major surgeries. Even NIH recognizes its many scientific benefits.

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