Stony Heart
Life Lessons

The Prayer for our Lost Loved Ones

During my Bible study groups, year-after-year, so many members constantly request prayer for their lost loved ones. As I did my morning Bible reading, I was urgently prompted to create this post and share it for those who need help interceding for their lost loved ones. These verses are found in Ezekiel 36 where God […]

2023 Appliance Showroom
YouTube Ads

2023 Liquidation Sale

This was a commercial created for the closure of the Appliance dept at Floorcraft, San Francisco. It served the Bay Area for over 80 years, so I helped them out by producing and publishing this commercial on a tight marketing budget to reduce their losses and sell off their most valued stock merchandise. This was

Mini XMAS Trees
YouTube Ads

2023 Christmas Wonderland

Christmas is a traditional time of year for Flowercraft that provided a wonderful variety of plants, trees, and classic quality service since the 70s to Bay Area residents. If Lowe’s – that is was across the street – doesn’t have what you’re looking for, they refer customers to this place. I use to work with

Potato plants in container with anti-rodent netting
Pest Management

Victory over Rodents in my Garden

It’s my 7th year of container gardening and the two most problematic issues I have are wind and rodents (rats and mice). Seedlings rarely have a chance to mature when they’ve been devoured overnight. This year I tried lining the netting only outside the rim of my pots so rodents would hopefully get stuck and

Not Disciple-Worthy Material
Did you Know?

Not Disciple-Worthy Material

Did you know that to be a Jewish rabbi, the prospective student must seek a rabbi and practically beg to follow that leader for a period of their life to become just like their rabbi? The rabbi or a professor NEVER seeks out their proteges. On the other hand, I never understood why the disciples

Gouache Paintings

We Made It – Gouache Painting

I painted this a few years ago inspired by: Psalm 23 A psalm of David. 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.2     He makes me lie down in green pastures,he leads me beside quiet waters,3     he refreshes my soul.He guides me along the right paths    for his name’s sake.4 Even though I walk    through the darkest valley,[a]I will fear

Family & Friends

The Biblical Ideal Woman

As I was scanning photo album photos, I realized that a video like this is normally done part of a eulogy and the person never even sees it. I decided to make this video while my mom is healthy, lucid, and alive to enjoy in this lifetime and share it with all those close and

Austrian Crescent Tuber & Red Potato
Successful Lessons

My 1st Successful Potato Harvest

Finally I was able to harvest a successful batch of potatoes. I’ve tried multiple times in the past few years and couldn’t due to rodents destroying my early crops. On March 17, 2024 I planted Austrian Crescent Tuber potatoes as a new variety, and the purple ones I think I planted those in the fall


1994 US Army Warlords

I think this video will demonstrate my natural gumption to bend the rules and risk major reproductions just to get the photo for historical purposes. Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m always taking photos and or videos. Right out of high school I knew I didn’t want to go to college, but I also

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