Anchored in times of a violent storm
Life Lessons

A Secure Anchor in a Violent Storm

As I create this post, I’m lost at sea in the mist of a violent storm, yet my anchor is holding me secure below the turbulence. It’s currently October 2024 and I lost my job in April. That’s six months looking for a job with a solid career background with relevant useful skills and experience.

In Loving Memory of Sunny
Family & Friends

Consequence of Living Alone

This was the first time I had to use my skills to create a eulogy video for someone close to me. Sunny was my left hand in the accounting team I lead at Floorcraft from 2014 – 2024. It was mainly three of us and she started out as a receptionist and was promoted and

Fig plat AFTER adding lime
Failed Lessons

Too Much Calcium (lime) Kills Plants

After adding Lime to some of plants and watching them flourish, I assumed all my containers needed calcium (lime), so I added it to my squash and my fig. They did not accept it. Anyway, here are the lessons: 1. Squash does NOT like too much calcium. The ideal Ph should be 6.0 – 6.8

Large mixed crop container
Successful Lessons

Another Successful Mixed Container

This is my second large container and again I tested to see if mixing different crops in one container would work. It did! In this big Bertha, I mixed Arugula (a green leaf crop), carrots and onions (root crops) and the soil has drastically improved and produced lush greens and veggies. The netting on the

Crocker Amazon Park
Favorite Parks

Crocker Amazon Park

I’ve lived in my neighbor for years and never went to this park because I heard it wasn’t safe. In fact a few years ago, I heard a lady got raped while jogging there. It never caught my interest, but since I’ve been unemployed as I type this post, I’ve been going on long power

Multi crops in one container
Successful Lessons

Successful Crop Combination

Earlier this year, I noticed my potato plants were growing dark spots on the leaves. After some research, the number one recommendation was to reuse a soil with a different crop rotation. Since potatoes are root crops, I should have used soil that had previously grew fruits or greens. Using the same type of crop

2016 Break Room
Work Projects

A Homey Break Room Renovation

In 2016, I use to work at a home improvement showroom. It was my fourth year working there and my boss at the time gave me the opportunity to remodel a break room that looked like a dirty mechanic’s work space. It had holes in the wall, cement floor, a filthy soda machine, it was

Michael & Herlinda 2017

Vancouver, Canada 2017

I think this was the first trip I took with my friend Michael (aka. Lanier Smith of Scents Memory) after he moved from San Francisco. Honestly I don’t remember the details of taking the trip, but by the looks of it, I flew and we drove from Olympia, Washington to Vancouver, Canada. It was a

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