A Secure Anchor in a Violent Storm

As I create this post, I’m lost at sea in the mist of a violent storm, yet my anchor is holding me secure below the turbulence. It’s currently October 2024 and I lost my job in April. That’s six months looking for a job with a solid career background with relevant useful skills and experience. Since day one I’ve been looking daily at job boards like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, and even old timer Craigslist. I’ve had a handful of call backs, three interviews, and time and time again, I get that “Thank you for applying, but we’ve decided to move on. Good luck.” (In a nutshell).

Although it’s disappointing and discouraging, it’s definitely a humbling experience. I thought when I left my employer after going out of business, it would be a piece of cake to land the next dream job. Nope! What makes it even more difficult is that I’m not social. I don’t network and I feel like such a hypocrite to reach out to people I’ve worked with for help. My attempt to carefully select the job applications has not been in my favor. Add AI to the mix and my resume submissions get lost in an river of other applicants without being seen by a human. What’s worse is my Unemployment benefit has stopped and I have no source of income, yet I still have expenses and bills. Do I cry and panic? Do I give up? Do I complain? Deep in my heart I struggle to, but my anchor (My Lord Jesus) gives me strength to endure one more day.

I contemplate my age and willing to commit to a mediocre job just to quit when the next best thing comes along. That doesn’t sit well with me, so I’m weighing it out as I keep searching. At the same time, I don’t know how much longer I will have good years with my parents and pets. I’m scared, but at peace as I stay productive with my garden, sewing, estate planning, this blog,and daily search for a job. The one thing I’m so grateful for is that I have both of my parents near me to support me in times of discouragement, fear, and doubt of the future. I’m taking full advantage of spending quality time with them.

My time with Jesus in prayer and worship has transformed into a deeper relationship with Him and he keeps me steady no matter the chaos around me. So far He’s been faithful in meeting all my needs and keeping me healthy despite not having health insurance.

I’m just staying focused and thankful on what I do have and not what I don’t.

Anchored in times of a violent storm
Jesus is my anchor in times of a violent storm
Proverbs 30:8
Proverbs 30:8
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