About Me

My name is Herlinda and I’m a Latina born in California of two immigrated Salvadorian parents.  I’m an animal lover, and I’m a conservative Christian.

This is a personal website really intended for me to document and refer back to as I learn life lessons in various areas of my life through videos and photography. It’s really exciting, gratifying, and sometimes poignant to look back at the people that have come and gone; how my city has changed; how my health has evolved; and the pets who have died and left wonderful memories. Since I was a teenager, I’ve loved to take photos, which developed into video production after buying a used ribbon-tape camcorder for $1. Due to economic reasons, I was never able to pursue a professional career in video production, yet I’ve been privileged to create video content for previous employers. I’m not ashamed to be considered an amateur.

I don’t have anyone whose taught me about gardening. Everything I’ve learned in gardening has been from YouTube videos, blogs, and trial and error. I started gardening in 2017 with my dad’s help after I bought a pop-up greenhouse and he built me some custom container boxes for my roof. Our home does not have a yard, nor land to plant in. I’m 100% urban, so all my gardening is in containers. I live in zone 10b and has high winds, rodents, and harsh change of weather at times, which are my biggest challenges.

For over a decade I have developed a successful career in business administration that includes accounting, human resources, project management, and digital marketing for small businesses. It all started with my mom’s multiple restaurants. During middle school and high school, I was forbidden to live the life like other kids. After school I was obligated to work at the restaurants or grocery store, I hated it, but it developed values and character that have been useful as an adult.

Now that I’m older I’ve learned to make people a priority to maintain harmonious working environments. I practice being a good steward in managing my finances and resources, thus I treat my job as my own personal business. I thrive best when I get to be creative in my work. I don’t mind rolling up my sleeves to do some manual labor to overcome roadblocks, which happens frequently in small businesses. Being teachable and serving others has helped me develop lasting relationships and great communication skills. I’m loyal, organized, reliable, yet introverted, but I can collaborate and adapt well.

I believe social media is a tool to be used for specific purposes like marketing, landing a job, or sharing knowledge when asked. I like to use my time productively so you won’t see much of me on any platform. I refuse to allow myself to be distracted by likes or criticism. I’d rather contribute with useful information like providing positive customer reviews, or answer questions on various platforms.

I’m content with spending time at home watching TV with my cat and dog; gardening in my container garden on the roof; and spending time with my family and Bible Study. I also have a wild imagination when it comes to music. If we ever meet, ask me about this.

Thank you for stopping by.

Herlinda 2024
Herlinda 2024
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