A Homey Break Room Renovation

In 2016, I use to work at a home improvement showroom. It was my fourth year working there and my boss at the time gave me the opportunity to remodel a break room that looked like a dirty mechanic’s work space. It had holes in the wall, cement floor, a filthy soda machine, it was dark, and well not a place to want to get away and take a break. Disgusting!

I was given a budget of under $10k for materials and labor. My father was a retired contractor, so he did the labor and in short, the total cost of the entire project was less than $4k. Many of the staff helped during construction and from 2016 – 2024, that space became a home away from home. We had many lunches, breaks, parties, meetings, and intimate moments in that tiny space. Sometimes all the seats were taken during lunch. Looking back, I’m proud to have been a major part of creating such a wonderful space that made such lasting, lovely memories.

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