How to Wear the Armor of God

Of all the Bible subjects, spiritual warfare is at the top of the list. My favorite movie category is Action, which includes a lot of violence and fighting. When I learned that I was commanded to “Stand Firm and in the Power of His Might” – not just to be a bi-standing spectator when it comes to living life and fighting for others in the spiritual realm, I was and I’m game! The thought of having divine skill and power to use super natural weapons excites me beyond words.

However, I’ve been learning the hard lessons that I have to be enlisted by God, be Holy, and Submit to Him to have victory. I can’t do it on my own strength and ability. It’s totally opposite of what I learned in the Army (Yes I was a reservist for a minute). Anyway, this is video I made to remind myself how to wear the Armor of God by late pastor Adrien Rogers, with movie clips from Game of Thrones different movies that I enjoyed.

Story lesson on the holy armor of God
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