Roof-top container Garden


To my Blog. This is my personal journal comprised of original videos and photography documenting the progress, success, and failures of my roof-top container garden in Zone 10b; life lessons through creative videos; intimate family moments; progress of projects I’ve managed; YouTube videos for digital marketing; Bible lessons; travels; and more.

As i create posts, the one consistent practice in building this blog is reasoning thru Biblical wisdom. Some of the posts shows good common sense, others show foolish things I’ve said and done. Either way, there is a lesson I’ve learned, and I’m sure as I get older, my reasoning will change with experience.

Hopefully while visiting, you may get a laugh or even learn something new. In order to maintain my peace under my control, I’ve deactivated the comment section. Going public exposes me to unwanted, nonconstructive criticism that may steal my peace, and that’s not happening.

Thank you for stopping by.

Herlinda 2024
Herlinda exploring San Francisco 2024